Thursday, June 20, 2013

Modded Out BMW gets AP Exhaust Upgrade

Summer time to us here at Vivid means, more time to work on our new Porsche Panamera Project Car. We love doing full builds on cars that we get, but we also know a small upgrades can go a long way when you’re short on time or cash. Many of our customer have life long project cars that they are constantly changing and upgrading. We like seeing the projects from beginning to end and talking to our customers to find out what they are going to do next. Wheels, Exhaust and Suspension are some of our favorite, upgrades that make the biggest difference in appearance and performance.

These are two of our sales guy Ahmed’s ( ext. 231) customers that he’s been working with for a while. The owner of the M6 recently added an Agency Power Exhaust to his growing list of mods. If you’re looking for a quick summer upgrade or a full remodel, we would be pumped to work with you throughout the process. Hit us up on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram or email us at Below is a list of mods these BMW enthusiasts have added.

1M Modifications:

M6 Modifications:





Modded Out BMW gets AP Exhaust Upgrade

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