Thursday, September 19, 2013

Is this the Solution to Backseat Shenanigans?

Having kids and a nice car is usually a disaster in the making. We’ve added some larger project cars in the past to cater to those who want a bad ass daily, but also need to play super-parent every now-and-again. As your kids get bigger, so do the fights in the backseat. We came across this man’s solution to the problem of backseat shenanigans, on Yahoo Auto. We want to know what you think? Is this the best or worst idea?

The Breakdown

This car is a normal looking,  2008 Nissan Patrol. From the outside, it’s business as usual. Then when you open the front door, there’s something missing and without the caption, you’re not quite sure what it is. Then you realize. There is a flat screen in place of the steering wheel. From there, the camera guy reveals that the Kings of Custom, in Dubai, have moved all the front seat controls to the backseat. This, in his words, allows the parent/ driver to keep the shenanigans to a minimum. However, my first thought was; yes the shenanigans are down, but you also can’t see the front of your car. If this thing was lowered, you’d be hitting curbs, corners and God knows what else, due to the lack of vision. We can appreciate the mods and the idea of fixing a ever prevailing problem, but I think there are still some bugs to work out with this mommy-mobile.

We’ll let you be the judge! Is this the best or worst idea? Do you think the idea could work? Do you have a better solution? We want to know! Leave your thoughts in the comment section below or on Facebook or Twitter.

Is this the Solution to Backseat Shenanigans?

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