Friday, April 12, 2013

We want Your Product Pictures

If you follow us on Facebook, Instagram or Twitter you know that we like to post pictures of cars we are working on, new parts and or customers cars. A week or so ago we asked our Instagram fans to send us pictures of the parts you have. We got such a great response, it busted our inbox. But we still want more! If you have pictures of parts, post them on Facebook, either in a private message or publicly on our wall.  We are also on Instagram @vividracing or if you have a video of your car or install you can share that with us too. When people buy our products they want to see what it looks like installed, how to install it, and know that they are getting their money’s worth.

Send your pictures in, and they could end up in our gallery, on our blog, Facebook, Instagram @vividracing or Twitter. Here are some past parts and past pictures we’ve received.

We want Your Product Pictures

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